Abbreviations "J,K,L" ( All the "J,K,L" Character ).


Short Name  ��  Full Name or Abbreviations
JA        Jump Address + Jump if Above
JAD       Joint Application Design
JAE       Jump if Above or Equal
JANET     Joint Academic Network
JBE       Jump if Below or Equal
JC        Jump if Carry set
JCL       Job Control Language
JDBC      Java Database Connectivity
JDK       Java Development Kit
JE        Jump if Equal
JEDEC     Joint Electronic Devices Engineering Council
JEIDA     Japanese Electronics Industry Development Association
JES       Job Entry System
JFET      Junction Field Effect Transistor
JFIF      JPEG File Interchange Format
JFS       Journaled File System [IBM]
JG        Jump if Greater
JGE       Jump if Greater or Equal
JIPS      JANET Internet Protocol Service
JL        Jump if Less
JLE       Jump if Less than or Equal to
JMP       Jump
JNA       Jump if Not Above
JNAE      Jump if Not Above or Equal
JNB       Jump if Not Below
JNBE      Jump if Not Below or Equal
JNG       Jump if Not Greater
JNGE      Jump if Not Greater or Equal
.JNK      Junk (file name extension)
JNLE      Jump if Not Less or Equal
JNO       Jump if No Overflow
JNP       Jump if No Parity
JNS       Jump if No Sign
JOE       Java Objects Everywhere
JPE       Jump if Parity Even
JPEG      Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPL       Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JPO       Jump if Parity Odd
JS        Jump if Sign
JZ        Jump if Zero
JNZ       Jump if Not Zero
JUGHEAD   Jonzy's Universal Gopher Hierarchy
          Excavation and Display [Internet]

Short Name  ��  Full Name or Abbreviations
K-12      Kindergarten through 12th Grade [US Education System]
KAM       Keep Alive Memory
Kb        Kilobit
KB        Keyboard + Kilobyte (1,024 bytes)
KBD       Keyboard (also KEYB)
KBD$      Keyboard [OS/2]
KBPS      Kilobytes Per Second
KDT       Key Definition Table
KEFIR     Key Findings Reporter [GTE]
KEYBBE    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Belgium
KEYBBR    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Brazil
KEYBCF    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Canadian-French
KEYBCZ    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Czechoslovakia
KEYBDK    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Denmark
KEYBFR    Foreign language KEYBoard program - France
KEYBGR    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Germany
KEYBHU    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Hungary
KEYBIT    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Italy
KEYBLA    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Latin America
KEYBNL    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Netherlands
KEYBNO    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Norway
KEYBPL    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Poland
KEYBPO    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Portugal
KEYBSF    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Swiss-French
KEYBSG    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Swiss-German
KEYBSL    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Czechoslovakia
KEYBSP    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Spain
KEYBSU    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Finland
KEYBSV    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Sweden
KEYBUK    Foreign language KEYBoard program - United Kingdom
KEYBUS    Foreign language KEYBoard program - United States
KEYBYU    Foreign language KEYBoard program - Yugoslavia
KHz       Kilohertz
KIS       Knowbot Information Service [Internet]
KPI       Kernal Programming Interface
KQML      Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language
KSH       Korn Shell (program) [Unix]
KSPH      Keystrokes Per Hour
KSR       Keyboard Send Receive
KRS       Knowledge Retrieval System

Short Name  ��  Full Name or Abbreviations
LADDR     Layered Device Driver Architecture [Microsoft]
LALL      Longest Allowed Lobe Length
LAN       Local Area Network
LANACS    Local Area Network Asynchronous Connection Server
LANE      Local Area Network Emulation
LAPB      Link Access Procedure Balanced (protocol)
LAPD      Link Access Procedure Direct (protocol)
LAPM      Link Access Procedure for Modems
LAR       Load Access Rights
LASER     Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LASTport  Local Area Storage Transport (protocol) [DEC]
LAT       Local Access Terminal +
          Local Area Transport [DEC]
LAVC      Local Area VAX Cluster
LAWN      Local Area Wireless Network
LB        Left Button (of 2 or 3 button Mouse)
LBA       Logical Block Addressing
LBL       Label
LBR       Librarian
.LBR      Library (file name extension)
LBT       Listen Before Talk
LBX       Local Bus Accelerator
LCA       Lotus Communications Architecture [Lotus]
LCC       Leadless Chip Carrier
LCD       Liquid Crystal Display + Lowest Common Denominator
LCF       Low Cost Fiber
LCK       Library Construction Kit [Mircrosoft FoxPro]
LCP       Link Control Protocol
LCR       Line Control Register
LCU       Last Cluster Used
LDA       Logical Device Address
LDAP      Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [IBM]
LDC       Lotus Development Corporation
LDM       Long Distance Modem
LDT       Local Descriptor Table
LE        Less or Equal
LEA       Load Effective Address
LEAF      Law Enforcement Access Field
LEC       Local Exchange Carrier
LED       Light Emitting Diode
LEL       Link, Embed and Launch-to-edit [Lotus]
LEM       Language Extension Module
LEN       Low Entry Networking
.LET      Letter (file name extension)
LEX       Lexicon
LF        Line Feed
LFI       Last File Indicator
LFN       Long File Name
LFT       Low Function Terminal [IBM]
LFU       Least Frequently Used
LGDT      Load Global Descriptor Table
LIAS      Library Information Access System
.LIB      Library (file name extension)
LIC       Line Interface Coupler [IBM]
LICS      Lotus International Character Set [LDC]
LIDT      Load Interrupt Descriptor Table
LIEP      Large Internet Exchange Packet [Novell]
LIF       Low Insertion Force
LIFO      Last In, First Out
LILO      Last In, Last Out
LIM       Lotus/Intel/Microsoft
LIMA      Lotus/Intel/Microsoft/AST
LIMS      Library Information Management System
LINUX     (Operating system named after Linus Torvalds)
LIP       Large Internet Packet
LIPS      Logical Inferences Per Second
LISP      List Processing (Language)(See HLL)
LISTSERV  List Server [Internet]
LLC       Logical Link Control
LLDT      Load Local Descriptor Table
LLF       Low Level Format
LMB       Left Mouse Button
LMBCS     Lotus Multibyte Character Set [Lotus]
LMI       Local Management Interface
LMS       Lotus Messaging Switch [Lotus]
LMSW      Load Machine Status Word
LMU       LAN Management Utilities [IBM] +
          LAN Manager for Unix
LN        Logarithm (Natural)
LN:DI     Lotus Notes:Document Imaging
LNK       Link
LOC       Loop On-Line Control
LOCIS     Library of Congress Information System
LOD       Level Of Detail
LODSB     Load String Byte
LOG       Logarithm (Base 10)
LOGO      (Programming Language)(See HLL)
LOOPE     Loop while Equal
LOOPNE    Loop while Not Equal
LOOPNZ    Loop while Not Zero
LOOPZ     Loop while Zero
LORE      Line Oriented Editor
LPC       Local Procedure Call
LPD       Line Printer Daemon (protocol) [Berkley]
LPI       Lines Per Inch
LPL       Lotus Programming Language [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC]
LPM       Lines Per Minute
LPN       Logical Page Number
LPS       Low-Power Schottky
LPT       Line Printer
LPT1      First Parallel Printer Port
LPT2      Second Parallel Printer Port
LPT3      Third Parallel Printer Port
LQ        Letter Quality
LQM       Link Quality Monitoring (protocol)
LR        Link Register
LRC       Local Register Cache +
          Longitudinal Redundancy Check
LRL       Least Recently Loaded
LRM       Language Reference Manual + Least Recently-Used Master
.LRS      Language Resource (file name extension) [WordPerfect]
LRU       Least Recently Used
LSA       LAN and SCSI Adapter [IBM] + Line Sharing Adapter
LSAPI     License Services Application Program Interface
LSB       Least Significant Bit
LSC       Least Significant Character
LSD       Least Significant Digit
LSI       Large Scale Integration
LSL       Link Support Layer + Load Segment Limit
LST       List
.LST      List (file name extension)
LTR       Left-To-Right + Letter + Load Task Register
LU        Logical Unit (Also LUN)
LUA       Logical Unit Application (interface)
LUI       Local User Input
LUIS      Library User Information Service
LUN       Logical Unit Number
LUT       Lookup Table
LV        Logical Volume [IBM]
LVM       Logical Volume Management [IBM]
LW        Lazy Write
LZW       Lempel-Ziv-Welch (algorithm)

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