Abbreviations "I" ( All the "I" Character ).

Short Name  ��  Full Name or Abbreviations

IAB       Internet Architecture Board [Internet]
IAC       Inter-Application Communication [Macintosh]
IAG       Instruction Address Generation
IAK       Internet Access Kit [IBM]
IAL     * International Algebraic Language
          (ALGOL was first called IAL)
IANA      Internet Assigned Numbers Authority [Internet]
IAP       Internet Access Provider [Internet]
IAT       Import Address Table
IAUP      Internet User Account Provider [Internet]
IBC       Instrument Bus Computer
iBCS      Intel Binary Compatibility Specification
IBM       International Business Machines (Corporation)
IBM-GL    IBM Graphics Language
IC        Input Circuit + Integrated Circuit + Interrupt Controller
ICA       Intra-application Communications Area
ICAP      Internet Calendar Access Protocol [Lotus]
ICAS      Intel Communicating Applications Specifications
ICB       Internet Citizen's Band
ICCP      Institute for the Certification of Computing Professionals
ICE       In-Circuit Emulator [Intel]
ICI       Image Component Information
ICL       Interface Clear
ICLID     Incoming-Call Line Identification
ICM       Image Color Matching [Kodak]
ICMP      Internet Control Message Protocol [Novell]
.ICO      Icon (file name extension)
iCOMP     Intel Comparative Microprocessor Performance [Intel]
ICP       Integrated Channel Processor
ICR       Intelligent Character Recognition
ICS       Intuitive Command Structure
ICU       ISA Configuration Utility
ID        Identification + Identifier
IDA       Integrated Digital Access + Intelligent Disk Array +
          Intelligent Drive Array
IDAPI     Integrated Database Application Programming Interface
IDC       Integrated Database/Desktop Connector
IDDE      Integrated Development & Debugging Environment [Symantec]
IDE       Imbedded Drive Electronics +
          Integrated Development Environment [Borland] +
          Integrated Drive Electronics +
          Intelligent Drive Electronics +
          Interactive Design and Engineering +
          Interface Design Enhancement
IDEA      International Data Encryption Algorithm
IDF       Intermediate Distribution Frame
IDIV      Integer Divide
IDL       Interface Definition Language
IDMS      Integrated Data Base Management System
IDNX      Integrated Digital Network Exchange [IBM]
IDP       Integrated Data Processing
IDR       Intelligent Document Recognition
IDT       Interface Design Tool + Interrupt Descriptor Table
.IDX      Index (file name extension)
IE        Internet Explorer [Microsoft]
IEC       International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE      Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEF       Information Engineering Facility
IEMSI     Interactive Electronic Mail Standard
IEN       Internet Engineering Notes
IETF      Internet Engineering Task Force [Internet]
IESG      Internet Engineering Steering Group [Inernet]
I/F       Interface
IFD       Image File Directory
IFF       Interchangeable File Format [Amiga]
IFG       Incoming Fax Gateway
IFP       Instruction Fetch Pipeline
IFS       Installable File System
IFSM      Information Systems Management
IGA       Integrated Graphics Array
IGC       Integrated Graphics Controller
IGES      Initial Graphics Exchange Standard
IGMP      Internet Group Multicast Protocol [Internet]
IGRP      Interior Gateway Routing Protocol [Cisco]
IGS       Internet Go Server [Internet]
IHD       Integrated Help Desk [IBM]
IHV       Independent Hardware Vendor
IIF       Immediate IF
III       Interstate Identification Index [NCIC]
IIOP      Internet Inter-Operability Protocol
IIR       Immediate Impulse Response
IIS       Internet Information Server [Microsoft]
IITF      Information Infrastructure Task Force
iKP       Internet Keyed Payments [IBM]
ILS       International Language Support
IMACS     Image Management and Communication System
IMAP      Internet Message Access Protocol [Internet]
IMAX      Maximum Image
IMDS      Image Data Stream (format) [IBM]
IME       Input Method Editor
IMG       Image
IML       Initial Microcode Load [IBM]
IMP       Information/Interface Message Processor
IMPA      Intelligent Multi-Port Adapter [DCA]
IMR       Internet Monthly Report [Internet]
IMS       Information Management System +
          Intermediate Maintenance Standards
IMTC      International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium
IMTV      Interactive Multimedia Television
IMUL      Integer Multiply
IN        Input
INC       Increment
.IND      Index (file name extension)
.INF      Information (file name extension)
.INI      Initialize (file name extension)
INIT      Initialization + Initialize
INM       Integrated Network Management
INS       Input String + Integrated Network Server
INT       Integer + Internal + Interrupt +
          International (organization Domain name) [Internet]
INTA      Interrupt Acknowledge
InterNIC  Internet Network Information Center [Internet]
INTO      Interrupt if Overflow occurs
I/O       Input/Output
IOCC      Input/Output Channel Converter +
          Input/Output Controller Chip
IOCS      Input/Output Control System
IOCTL     Input/Output Control
IODE      Integrated Development and Debugging Environment [Symantec]
IOPL      Input/Output Priviledge Level
IOSGA     Input/Output Support Gate Array
IP        Instruction Pointer + Internet Protocol
IPC       Instructions Per Clock + Interprocess Communication
IPCP      Internet Protocol Control Protocol
IPDS      IBM Personal Dictation System [IBM] +
          Intelligent Printer Data Stream [IBM]
IPFC      Information Presentation Facility Compiler [IBM]
IPI       Intelligent Peripheral Interface
IPL       Initial Program Load/Loader +
          Ion Projection Lithography
IPL     * Information Programming Language
IPM       Interpersonal Message
IPng      Internet Protocol, next generation
IPSE      Integrated Project Support Environment
IPTC      International Press Telecommunications Council
IPX       Internetwork Packet Exchange [Novell]
IQL       Interactive Query Language
IR        Infrared
IRC       Internet Relay Chat [Internet]
IRD       Integrated Receiver/Descrambler
IRDA      Infrared Data Association
IRDS      Information Resource Dictionary System
IRET      Interrupt Return
IRF       Intermediate Routing Function +
          Inheritance Rights Filter [Novell]
IRL       Interactive Reader Language + Inter-Repeater Link
IRLAP     Infrared Link Access Protocol
IRLED     Infrared Light Emitting Diode
IRM       Information Resource Management + Inherent Rights Mask
IRQ       Interrupt Request
IRTF      Internet Research Task Force [Internet]
IRX       Information Retrieval Experiment
IS        Information System + Interrupt Status
ISA       Industry Standard Architecture +
          Instruction-Set Architecture
ISAM      Indexed Sequential-Access Management/Method
ISAPI     Internet Servier API [Microsoft]
ISBN      International Standard Book Number
ISC       Instruction Set Computer + Inter-Systems Communication [IBM]
ISD       Image Section Descriptor +
          Instructional Systems Design
ISDN      Integrated Services Digital Network
ISH       Information Super Highway
ISI       Internally Specified Index
ISIS      Integrated Systems and Information Services
ISKM      Internet Starter Kit for the Macintosh
ISL       Interactive System Language
ISM       Internet Service Manager [Mircrosoft]
ISMF      Interactive Storage Management Facility
ISOC      Internet Society
ISO/OSI   International Standards Organization/Open
          Systems Interconnection (model)
ISP       Internet Service Provider [Internet] +
          Interrupt Stack Pointer + Interrupt Status Port
ISPF      Interactive System Programming Facility
ISR       Information Storage and Retrieval +
          Interrupt Service Routine +
          Interrupt Status Register
ISSN      International Standard Serial Number
ISV       Independent Software Vendor
IT        Information Technology
ITB       Information Technology Branch + Intermediate Text Block
ITC       International Typeface Corporation
ITN       Identification Tasking and Networking
ITR       Internet Talk Radio
ITU       International Telecommunication Union
ITUG      International Telecommunications User Group
ITU-TSS   ITU-Telecommunication Standarts Section
ITV       Interactive Television
ITX       Intermediate Text Block
IU        Integer Unit
IUAP      Internet User Account Provider [Internet]
IUS/ITB   Interchange Unit Separator/Intermediate Transmission
IVIS      Interactive Video Information System
IVL       Independent Vendor League + Intel Verification Lab
IVR       Interactive Voice Response
IVS       Interactive Videodisk System
IVT       Interrupt Vector Table
IV&V      Independent Verification & Validation
I-WAY     Information Highway
IXC       Interchange Carrier

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