Abbreviations "A" ( All the "A" Character ).


Short Name  Full Name or Abbreviations

AA        Auto Answer
AAB       All-to-All Broadcast
AAL       Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer
AAP       Applications Access Point [DEC]
AAS       All-to-All Scatter
AASP      ASCII Asynchronous Support Package
AAT       Average Access Time
ABC     * Atanasoff-Berry Computer  (First digital
          calculating machine that used vacuum tubes).
ABEND     Abnormal End
ABI       Application Binary Interface
ABIOS     Advanced BIOS
ABIST     Automatic Built-In Self-Test [IBM]
ABLE      Adaptive Battery Life Extender
ABR       Available Bit Rate
ABRS      Automated Book Request System [British Library]
ABS       Absolute
ABT       Abort
ABTS      ASCII Block Terminal Services
AC        Autocheck + Automatic Computer + Alternating Current
ACC       Accumulator
ACD       Automated Call Distribution +
          Automatic Call Distributor
ACDI      Asynchronous Communications Device Interface
ACE       Advanced Computing Environment [SCO] +
          Adverse Channel Enhancements [Microcom] +
       *  Automatic Computing Engine
ACF       Access Control Field +
          Advanced Communications Function
ACH       Automated Clearing House
ACIAS     Automated Calibration Interval Analysis System
ACIS      American Committee for Interoperable Systems
ACK       Acknowledgment
ACL       Access Control List
ACM       Association for Computing Machinery
          Audio Compression Manager [Microsoft]
ACMS      Application Control Management System
ACP       Ancillary Control Program +
          Auxillary Control Process
ACROSS    Automated Cargo Release and Operations
          Service System
ACS       Access + Access Control Set +
          Access Control System +
          Asynchronous Communication Server
ACTS      Automated Computer Time Service
ACTT      Advanced Communication and Timekeeping
          Technology [Seiko]
ACU       Automatic Calling Unit
A/D       Analog to Digital
ADA       Automatic Data Acquisitions + Programming
          Language named after Augusta Ada Lovelace)
ADB       Apple Desktop Bus
ADC       Adaptive Data Compression (protocol) [Hayes] +
          Add with Carry + Analog to Digital Converter
ADCCP     Advanced Data Communication Control Procedures
ADD       Automatic Document Detection [WordPerfect]
ADF       Automatic Document Feeder +
          Automatically Defined Function
.ADF      Adapter Description File (file name extension)
ADI       AutoCad Device Interface (driver)
ADL       Address Data Latch
ADLAT     Adaptive Lattice Filter
ADLC      Adaptive Lossless Data Compression [IBM] +
          Asynchronous Data Link Control
ADMACS    Apple Document Mangagement And Conrol System
ADMD      Administrative Management Domain [X.400]
.ADN      Add In Utility (file name extension)
          [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC]
ADP       Automatic Data Processing
ADPCM     Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation
ADR       Address
ADS       Application Development Solutions [AT&T] +
          Application Development System +
          Automatic Distribution System
ADSC      Address Status Changed +
          Adobe Document Structuring Conventions
ADSL      Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line
ADSR      Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release
ADT       Application Data Types
ADU       Automatic Dialing Unit
AE        Above or Equal
AEB       Analog Expansion Bus [Dialogic]
AF        Auxiliary carry Flag
AFA       Accelerated File Access
AFC       Automatic Font Change + Automatic Frequency Control
AFD       Automatic File Distribution
AFII      Association for Font Information Interchange
AFIRM     Automated Fingerprint Image Reporting and Match
AFIS      Automated Fingerprint Identification System
.AFM      Adobe Font Metrics (file name extension)
          [Adobe Systems]
AFP       Appletalk Filing Protocol [Macintosh]
AFS       Andrew File System (protocols)
AFTP      Anonymous File Transfer Protocol
AGC       Automatic Gain Control
AGRAS     Antiglare-Antireflective-Antistatic
AGU       Address-Generation Unit
AI        Analog Input + Artificial Intelligence
AIA       Applications Integration Architecture [DEC]
AIC       AIXwindows Interface Composer [IBM]
AIF       Audio Interchange Format
AIIM      Association for Information and Image Management
AIN       Advanced Intelligent Network [Bell Atlantic]
AIS       Automated Identification System [NCIC]
AISB      Association of Imaging Service Bureaus
AISP      Association of Information Systems Professionals
AIX       Advanced Interactive Executive [IBM]
ALC       Arithmetic and Logic Circuits +
          Automatic Level Control
ALE       Address Latch Enable
ALGOL     Algorithmic Oriented Language (see IAL)
ALIBI     Adaptive Location of Internetworked Bases
          of Information
ALINK     Active Link [HTML]
ALIWEB    Archie Like Indexing in the Web [Internet]
ALN       Asynchronous Learning Network
ALR       Advanced Logic Research, Inc.
ALT       Alternate (mode)
ALT.      Alternate lifestyle [USENET Newsgroup Category]
ALU       Arithmetic Logic Unit
AMANDDA   Automated Messaging and Directory Assistance
AMD       Active Matrix Display +
          Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
AMI       American Megatrends, Inc.
AMMA      Advanced Memory Management Architecture
          [Everex Systems]
AMPS      Advanced Mobile Phone Service
ANCOVA    Analysis of Covariance
ANDF      Architecture-Neutral Distribution Format
ANI       Automatic Number Identification
.ANI      Animated Cursor (file name extension) [Microsoft]
ANN       Artificial Neural Network
.ANN      Annotations (file name extension) [IBM]
ANOVA     Analysis Of Variance
ANSI      American National Standards Institute
AO        Analog Output
AOCE      Apple Open Collaboration Environment
AOE       Application Operating Environment [AT&T]
AOL       America Online
AOS       Add Or Subtract
AP        Adjunct Processor + Application Processor
A/P       Accounts Payable
APA       Adaptive Packet Assembly +
          All Points Addressable +
          Arithmetic Processing Accelerator
APAR      Authorized Program Analysis Report [IBM]
APAREN    Address Parity Enable [IBM]
APCUG     Association of PC User Groups
API       Application Program Interface
APIC      Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (bus) [Intel]
APIS      Advanced Passenger Information System
APL       A Programming Language (Mathematics)
APM       Advanced Power Management [IBM OS2]
.APP      Application (file name extension) [R:Base]
APPC      Advanced Program-to-Program Communications [IBM]
APPI      Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking
APPN      Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking [IBM]
APPS      Applications
APRP      Adaptive Pattern Recognition Processing
APS       Advanced Photo System + Advanced Printing Service [IBM]
          Asynchronous Protocol Specification
APSE      ADA Programming Support Environment
APT       Address Pass Through +
          Advanced Parallel Technology +
          Automatically Programmed Tools
A/R       Accounts Receivable
ARA       AppleTalk Remote Access
ARAG      Antireflective-Antiglare
ARAS      Antireflective-Antistatic
.ARC      Archive (file name extension)
ARCA      Advanced RISC Computing Architecture
ARCnet    Attached Resource Computer Network
.ARJ      Compressed File (file name extension) [Jung]
ARL       Adjusted Ring Length
ARLL      Advanced Run Length Limited
ARM       Advanced RISC Machine (processor) +
          Annotated Reference Manual +
          Asynchronous Response Mode
ARMA      Association of Records Managers and Administrators
ARP       Address Resolution Protocol [Novell]
ARPANET   Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
ARPL      Adjust Requested Privilege Level
ARTA      Apple Real Time Architecture
ARTIC     A Real-Time Interface Copressor [IBM]
ARTS      Asynchronous Remote Takeover Server
ARTT      Asynchronous Remote Takeover Terminal
ARQ       Automatic Repeat Request
ARU       Audio Response Unit
AS        Autonomous System [Internet]
ASAP      As Soon As Possible +
          Automatic Switching And Processing
AS3AP     ANSI SQL Standard Scalable and Portable
.ASC      ASCII text (file name extension)
ASCII     American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC      Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
ASIT      Advanced Security and Identification Technology
ASL       Adaptive Speed Levelling
ASLM      Apple Shared Library Manager [Macintosh]
.ASM      Assembler Source Language (file name extension)
ASMP      Asymmetric Multprocessing
ASN       Abstract Syntax Notation +
          Autonomous System Number
ASP       Association of Shareware Professionals
ASPI      Advanced SCSI Programming Interface [Adaptec]
ASPS      Advanced Signal Processing System
ASR       Address Space Register + Automatic Send-Receive +
          Automatic Speech Recognition
AST       AST Research, Inc. (named from first initials of
          the founders: Albert Wong, Safi Qureshey, Thomas Yuen)
AS/U      Advanced Server for Unix
ASYNC     Asynchronous
AT        Advanced Technology + Attention
ATA       Advanced Technology Attachment
ATDP      Attention Dial Pulse
ATDT      Attention Dial Tone
ATE       Automated Test Equipment
ATG       Advanced Technology Group
ATH       Attention Hang-Up (Modem command)
ATM       Adobe Typeface Manager +
          Asynchronous Transfer Mode +
          Automated Teller Machine
ATPS      AppleTalk Printing Services [Macintosh]
ATR       Automatic Terminal Recognition
ATS       Administrative Terminal System +
          Apple Terminal Services
AT&T      American Telephone and Telegraph
ATTN      Attention
ATTRIB    Attribute (also ATR)
ATZ       Attention Restore configuration profile from
          nonvolatile RAM (Modem command)
.AU       Audio (file name extension)
AUDIT     Automated Data Input Terminal
AUI       Attachment Unit Interface
AUP       Acceptable Use Policy [Internet]
AUTO      Automatic
AUTOEXEC  Automatic Execution
AUX       Auxiliary + (First Serial Port)
AV        Audio/Video + Audiovisual + Authenticity Verification
AVA       Audio Visual Authoring [IBM]
AVC       Audio Visual Connection [IBM]
AVG       Average
AVI       Audio Visual Interleave [Microsoft]
AVR       Automatic Voice Recognition
AWG       American Wire Gage
AWK       (Unix language named after its authors...
          Al Aho, Peter Weinberger and Brian Kernighan)
AWS       Advanced Workstations and Systems (group) [IBM]
AX        Architecture Extended + Automatic Transmission

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