Abbreviations "S" ( All the "S" Character ).

Short Name  ��  Full Name or Abbreviations
SA        Selective Availability
SAA       Systems Application Architecture [IBM]
SADL      Synchronous Data Link Control [Racal-Vadic]
SAINT   * Symbolic Automatic Integrator
SAL       Shift Arithmetic Left
SAM       Serial Access Memory + Sequential Access Method +
          Single Application Mode [Microsoft]
SANE      Standare Apple Numeric Environment
SAP       Second Audio Program + Service Access
          Point [DEC] + Service Advertising Protocol
SAP     * Symbolic Assembly Program
SAPI      Speech Application Program Interface [Microsoft]
SAR       Shift Arithmetic Right +
          Successive Approximation Register +
          Synthetic Aperature Radar
SAS       Sales Accounting System + Single Attached Station +
          Single Audio System + Statistical Analysis System
SASI      Shugert Associates System Interface (SCSI originated
          from SASI)
SATAN     Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks
.SAV      Saved (file name extension)
SAVDM     Single Application VDM
SB        Sound Blaster [Creative Labs] + Sound Board
SBA       Scene Balance Algorithms [Kodak]
SBB       Subtract With Borrow
SBC       Single-Board Computer
SBCS      Single-Byte Character Set
SBI       Sound Blaster Instrument
.SBR      Source Browser (file name extension) [Borland]
.SC       Script (file name extension)
SCADA     Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition
SCAM      SCSI Configuration Automatically
SCAS      Scan String
SCB       Subsystem Control Block [IBM]
SCC       Serial Communications Controllers +
          Serial Controller Chip +
          Synchronous Channel Check [IBM]
SCCS      Source Code Control System
SCD       Standard Color Display
SCF       System Control Facility
SCI.      Science [USENET Newsgroup Category]
SCLM      Softwre Configuration and Library Management [IBM]
SCM       ScreenCam Format [Lotus] +
          Software Configuration Management + Station Class Mark
SCO       Santa Cruz Operation (Software Company)
SCOPE     Simple Communications Programming Enironment
SCP       Save Cursor Position + Subsystem Control Port +
          System Control Program
SCR       Silicon Controlled Rectifier
.SCR      Script (file name extension)
SCRN      Screen (video display)
SCRS      Scalable Cluster of RISC Systems
SCSA      Signal Computing System Architecture [Dialogic]
SCSI      Small Computer Systems Interface
SD        Send Data + Super Density
SDA       Software Disk Array + Source Data Automation +
          System Display Architecture [Digital]
SDB       Symbolic Debugger [Unix]
SDD       Software Description Database [Internet]
SDF       Space Delimited File + Space Delimited Format
.SDF      Standard Data Format (file name extension)
SDI       Selective Dissemination of Information +
          Single Document Interface
          Software Development Interface [Mosaic]
SDK       Software Developer's Kit [Microsoft]
SDLC      Synchronous Data Link Control (protocol)
SDM       System Development Multitasking
SDMS      SCSI Device Management System [NCR]
SDN       Software Defined Network [AT&T]
SDNS      Secure Data Network Service
SDR       Streaming Data Request
SDRAM     Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SD-ROM    Super Density ROM
SDS       Sysops Distribution System
SDSL      Single-Line Digital Subscriber Line
SD_STB    Streaming Data Strobe [IBM]
SDV       Switched Digital Video [AT&T]
SEA       Standard Extended Attribute [OS/2]
.SEA      Self Extracting Archive (file name extension) [Macintosh]
SEAC    * Name of first computer to use transistors, built by
          (National Bureau of) Standards Eastern Automatic
          Calculator (Also see SWAC)
SEAL      Segmentation and Reassembly Layer (protocol) +
          Screening External Access Link [Digital-DEC]
SEC       Single Error Correction
SECAM     Sequentiel Couleur Avec Memoire
          (Sequential Color With Memory)
SED       Stream Editor + Stream-Oriented Editor
SEG       Segment
SEH       Structured Exception Handling
SEL       Select
SEM       Scanning Electron Microscope +
          Standard Electronic Module
SEPP      Secure Encryption Payment Protocol
SER       Serial
SET       Secure Electronic Transaction +
          Softwave Engineering Technology
.SET      Driver Set (file name extension) [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC] +
          Image Settings (file name extension) [Paradox]
SETEXT    Structure Enhanced Text [Internet]
SEU       Smallest Executable Unit
SF        Sign Flag
SFQL      Structured Full-text Query Language
SFS       System File Server
SFT       System Fault Tolerance
SFX       Sound Effect(s)
SGEN      Signal Generator + System Generator
SGDT      Store Global Descriptor Table
SGI       Silicon Graphics, Inc.
SGM       Shaded Graphics Modeling
SGML      Standard Generalized Markup Language
SGR       Set Graphics Rendition
SGRAM     Synchronous Graphics RAM
S/H       Sample and Hold
SHA       Secure Hash Algorithm [NSA]
SHAR      Shell Archive
SHG       Segmented Hypergraphics
SHL       Shift Logical Left
SHR       Shift Logical Right
S-HTTP    Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol
.SHW      Show (file name extension)
SI        Shift-In + Source Index + System Information
SIC       Standard Industrial Code
SID       Security Identifier + Serial Input Data +
          Station Identification [AT&T] +
          Symbolic Interactive Debugger
SIDF      System Independent Data Format
SIDH      System Identification for Home Systems
SIDT      Store Interrupt Descriptor Table
SIFT      Stanford Information Filtering Tool
SIG       Special Interest Group
SIGCAT    Special Interest Group on CD-ROM Applications
          and Technology
SIM       Simulator
SIMD      Single Instruction Multiple Data Stream (processor)
SIMM      Single In-line Memory Module
SIMTEL    Simulation and Teleprocessing
SIMULA    Simulation (language)
SIO       Serial Input/Output (communications driver)
SIP       Single In-line Package
SIPC      Simply Interactive Personal Computer [Microsoft]
SIPO      Serial In, Parallel Out
SIPP      Single In-line Pin Package
SIR       Serial Infrared [Hewlett-Packard]
SIRDS     Single-Image Random Dot Stereogram
SI/SO     Serial In/Serial Out + Shift In/Shift Out
SIT       Special Information Tones
.SIT      Stuff-It (compressed file name extension) [Macintosh]
SKU#      Stock Keeping Unit Number
SLDT      Store Local Descriptor Table
SLED      Single Large Expensive Disk
SLIP      Serial Line Interface Protocol
SLM       Spatial Light Modulator
SLMR      Silly Little Modem Reader
SLOSH     Sea, Lake and Overland Surge from Hurricane (program)
SLSI      Super Large-Scale Integration
SLSS      Systems Library Subscription Service [IBM]
SLU       Spoken Language Understanding
SM        Set Mode + Shared Memory
SMART     Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology
SMB       Server Message Block (protocol) [MII]
SMD       Surface Mounted Device
SMDS      Switched Multimedia/Multi-Megabit Data Service
SMF       System Manager Facility [Compaq]
SMI       System Management Interrupt [Intel]
SMIF      Standard Mechanical Interface
SMIT      System Management Interface Tool [IBM]
SMK       Software Migration Kit [Microsoft]
SML       Standard Meta Language
SMM       System Mangement Mode [Intel]
SMOBC     Solder Mask Over Bare Copper
SMP       Simple Management Protocol + Symbolic Manipulation Program +
          Symmetrical Multi-Processing + Symmetric Multiprocessor
.SMP      Sample (file name extension)
SMPC      Shared Memory Parallel Computer
SMPS      Switching Mode Power Supply
SMRAM     System Management Random Access Memory
SMS       Storage Management Services [NetWare] +
          Storage Management Subsystem/System +
          Systems Management Server [Microsoft]
SMSW      Store Machine Status Word
SMT       Station Management (protocol) +
          Surface-Mount Technology
SMTP      Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SMU       System Management Utility
SN        Serial Number
S/N       Signal-to-Noise (Ratio)
SNA       Systems Network Architecture [IBM]
SND       Sound
SNEWS     Secure News Server [Internet]
SNMP      Simple Network Management Protocol
SNOBOL    String Oriented Symbolic Language (Progamming Language)
SNP       Serial Number/Password [Omen Technology]
SNR       Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SOA       Start Of Authority
SOC       System On a Chip
SOC.      Social Issues [USENET Newsgroup Category]
SOCKS     Socket Secure (server) [Internet]
SODIMM    Small Outline DIMM
SOE       Standard Operating Environment
SOH       Start of Header
SOHO      Small Office/Home Office
SOL       Simulation Oriented Language
SOM       Start of Message + System Object Model [IBM]
SONET     Synchronous Optical Network
SOP       Standard Operating Procedures
SOS       Silicon On Sapphire + Sophisticated Operating System +
          Standards and Open Systems
SOTA      State Of The Art
SOX       Sound Exchange
SP        Service Pack [IBM] + Stack Pointer + System Product
SPA       Software Publishers Association
SPAN      Space Physics Analysis Network
SPARC     Scalable Processor Architecture
SPC       Small Peripheral Controller + Statistical Process Control
SPCL      Spectrum Cellular Corporation
SPEC      Systems Performance Evaluation Cooperative
SPF       Shortest Path First + System Programming Facility
SPI       Service Provider Interface + SCSI Parallel Interface
SPID      Service Profile/Provider Identifier
SPIKE     Science Planning Intelligent Knowledge-Based
          Environment [STScI]
SPIRES    Stanford Public Information Retrieval System
          [Stanford University]
SPL       Spooler + System Programming Language [HP]
.SPL      Spell Checker (file name extension)
SPM       System Performance Monitor [IBM]
SPOOL     Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On Line
SPOT      Shared Product Object Tree [IBM]
SPP       Sequenced Packet Protocol
SPPS      Scalable Power Parallel System [IBM]
SPR       Special Purpose Register + Statistical Pattern Recognition
SPREAD  * Systems Programming, Research, Engineering
          and Development [IBM]
SPS       Standby Power System
SPSS      Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
SPT       Sectors Per Track
SPX       Sequenced Packet Exchange [Novell]
SQ        Squeezed (files)
SQL/DS    Structured Query Language/Data System [IBM]
SQRT      Square Root
SR        Shift Register
SRAM      Shadow Random Access Memory +
          Static Random Access Memory
SRB       Source-Route Bridge
.SRC      Source (file name extension)
SRD       Screen Reader System
SRM       Security Reference Monitor
SRO       Sharable and Read Only
SRP       Suggested Retail Price
.SRP      Script (file name extension)
SRPI      Server-Requester Programming Interface
SRQ       Service Request
SRR       Serially Reusable Resource
SRS       Sound Retrieval System
SS        Stack Segment + Single Sided + Seconds
SSA       Serial Storage Architecture
SSAP      Source Service Access Point
SSCP      Systems Service Control Point [IBM]
SSD       Solid State Disk
SSEC    * Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator [IBM]
SSGA      System Suppport Gate Array
SSI       Single System Image + Small Scale Integration
SSL       Secure Sockets Layer
SST       Spread-Spectrum Technology +
          Systems Services and Technology
STA       Spanning Tree Algorithm
STAR      Self Defining Text Archival
STB       Strobe
STC       Set Carry Flag
STD       Set Direction Flag + Standard
STDA      StreetTalk Directory Assistance [Banyan]
STDAUX    Standard Auxillary
STDERR    Standard Error
STDIN     Standard Input
STDIO.H   Standard Input/Output Header [C Programming Language]
STDM      Statistical Time Division Multiplexer
STDOUT    Standard Output
STDPRN    Standard Printer
.STF      Structured File (file name extension) [Lotus Agenda]
STI       Set Interrupt Flag
S/TK      Sectors Per Track
STN       Super-Twist Nematic
STOS      Store String
STP       Secure Transfer Protocol + Shielded Twisted Pair (cable) +
          Signal Transfer Point + Synchronized Transaction Processing
STR       Store Task Register + Synchronous Transmitter Receiver
STRESS    Structural Engineering System Solver (Programming
STRUDL    Structural Design Language (Programming Language)
STScI     Space Telescope Science Institute
STT       Secure Transaction Technology [Microsoft]
STX       Start of Text
.STY      Style (file name extension) [Ventura, Word, WordPerfect]
SUB       Subroutine + Substitute + Subtract
SUN       Sun Microsystems, Inc.
.SUP      Supplemental Dictionary (file name extension)
SVC       Switched Virtual Circuit
SVGA      Super Video Graphics Array
S-VHS     Super VHS
SVM       System Virtual Machine [Microsoft]
SVR       Server
SVR#      System V Release Number [AT&T]
S/W       Software
SWAC    * Mobile version of SEAC, built for deployment to White Sands,
          and named Standards Western Automatic Calculator
SWAIS     Simple Wide Area Information Server [Internet]
SWISH     Simple Web Indexing System for Humans
.SWP      Swap (file name extension)
.SYL      Syllabus (file name extension)
SYLK      Symbolic Link
.SYM      Symbols (file name extension)
.SYN      Synonym (file name extension)
SYNC      Synchronous
SYS       System
.SYS      System Configuration (file name extension) +
          System Device Driver (file name extension)
SYSGEN    System Generator
SYSLOG    System Log
SYSMOD    System Modification
SYSOP     System Operator
SYSREQ    System Request
SZ        Send ZModem [Unix]

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