Abbreviations "C" ( All the "C" Character ).


Short Name �� Full Name or Abbreviations

C         C Programming Language
.C        C source code (file name extension) [C]
CA        Collision  Avoidance
CAD       Computer Aided Design
CADD      Computer Aided Design and Drafting
CADE      Client/server Application Development Environment
CAE       Client Application Enabler +
          Common Applications Environment + Computer Aided Engineering
CAEX      Computer Aided Exploration
CAG       Column Address Generator
CAI       Computer Aided Instruction
CAL       Calendar + Computer Aided Learning
CAM       Common Access Method + Computer Aided Manufacturing +
          Contents Addressable Memory
CAN       Cancel
CAP       Carrierless Amplitude and Phase-Modulation +
          Central Arbitration Point +
          Communication Application Platform +
          Computer Aided Publishing
.CAP      Capture (file name extension)
CAPD      Computing To Assist Persons With Disabilities [Johns
          Hopkins University]
CAPS      Capitals (Upper Case Letters) +
          Cassette Programming System
CARL      Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries [Internet]
CAS       Column Address Select +
          Communications Application Specification +
          Computer Aided Styling
CASE      Computer Aided Software Engineering
CASL      Crosstalk Application Scripting Language [DCA]
CASS      Computer Assisted Search Service
CASSIS    Classified and Search Support Information System
CAT       Computer Aided Testing + Computer Aided Tomography +
          Computer Aided Transcription + Concatenate
.CAT      Catalog (file name extension)
CATS      Computer Assisted Training System
CAT SCAN  Computerized Axial Tomography Scan
CATV      Community Antenna Television (this was the original
          name for what is now known as Cable TV)
CAU       Controlled Access Unit
CAV       Constant Angular Velocity
CBC       Cipher Block Chaining
CBCR      Channel Byte Count Register
CBEMA     Computer and Business Equipment
          Manufacturers Association
CBGA      Ceramic Ball Grid Array
CBI       Computer Based Instruction
CBL       Computer Based Learning
.CBL      COBOL source code (file name extension)
CBMS      Computer-Based Mail System
CBR       Constant Bit Rate
CBT       Computer Based Training
CBW       Convert Byte to Word
CBX       Computer-Controlled Branch Exchange
CC        Cluster Controller
CC:       Carbon Copy
CCD       Charged-Coupled Device
CCFT      Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube
CCI       Common Client Interface
CCITT     Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique/
          Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone
CCL       Connection Control Language
CCP       Console Command Processor
CCS       Common Command Set + Common Communications Services +
          Common Communications Support +
          Continuous Composite Servo
.CCS      Color Calibration System (file name extension)
CCSD      Cellular Circuit-Switched Data
CD        Carrier Detect + Change Directory +
          Collision Detection + Color Display + Compact Disk
C/D       Control Data
C2D       Character To Decimal [REXX]
CDA       Compound Document Architecture [DEC]
CDC       Control Data Corporation
CD_CHRDY  Card Channel Ready [IBM]
CD-DA     Compact Disk -Digital Audio
CDDI      Copper Distributed Data Interface
CDE       Common Desktop Environment + Complex Data Entry
CD-E      Compact Disk - Erasable
.CDF      Comma Delimited Format (file name extension)
CDFS      Compact Disc File System [Microsoft]
CD+G      Compact Disk plus Graphics
CD-I      Compact Disk - Interactive
CDIA      Certified Document Imaging Architect
CDL       Computer Design Language
CDMA      Code Division Multiple Access
CDMF      Commercial Data Masking Facility [IBM]
CD-MO     Compact Disk - Magneto Optical
CDOS      Concurrent Disk Operating System
CDPD      Cellular Digital Packet Data
CDR       Call Detail Record + Call Detail Recording
CD-R      Compact Disk - Recordable
CD-RDx    Compact Disk - Read Only Memory Data Exchange Standard
CDRL      Contract Data Requirements List
CD-ROM    Compact Disk - Read Only Memory
CD-RTOS   Compact Disk - Real Time Operating System
CDS       Current Directory Structure
CDSA      Common Data Security Architecture
.CDT      Corel Draw Template (file name extension)
CD-V      Compact Disk - Video
CD-WO     Compact Disk - Write Once
.CDX      Compound Index (file name extension) [Fox Pro]
CD-XA     Compact Disk - Extended Architecture
CE        Cache Enable + Chip Enable + Collision Elimination +
          Convert Enable
CEG       Continuous Edge Graphics
CEI       Conducted Electromagnetic Interference
CEMS      Constituent Electronic Mail System
CEOP      Conditional End Of Page
CERN      The European Particle Physics Laboratory (initials
          originally from Conseil European pour la Recherche Nucleaire)
CERT      Computer Emergency Response Team
CFB       Cipher Feedback + Configurable Function Block
.CFG      Configuration (file name extension)
CFM       Code Fragment Manager [Macintosh]
CFR       Computerized Facial Recognition
CFS       Caching/Common File System
CFV       Call For Votes [Bitnet]
CG        Control Gate
CGA       Color Graphics Adapter
CGE       Common Graphics Environment
CGI       Common Gateway Interface + Computer Generated Images +
          Computer Graphics Interface
.CGM      Computer Graphics Metafile (file name extension) +
          Graph (file name extension) [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC]
CHAP      Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
CHAR      Character
CHAT      Conversational Hypertext Access Technology [Internet]
CHCK      Channel Check
CHCP      Change Code Page
CHDIR     Change Directory
CHFN      Change Finger [Unix]
CHGRP     Change Group
.CHK      CHKDSK (file name extension)
CHKDSK    Check Disk
CHMOD     Change Mode
CHOWN     Change Owner
CHP       Chapter
CHR       Character
CHRP      Common Hardware Reference Platform
CHS       Cylinder Head Sector
CI        Component Interface
CIA       Current Instruction Address
CIAC      Computer Incident Advisory Capability
CICS/VS   Customer Information Control System/
          Virtual Storage [IBM]
CID       Charge-Injection Device +
CIDR      Classless Inter-Domain Routing
CIF       Common Interchange/Intermediate Format +
          Crystallographic Information File +
          Customer Information Feed
CIM       CompuServe Information Manager +
          Computer Integrated Manufacturing
CIO       Chief Information Offier
CIOCS     Communication Input/Output Control System
CIP       Command Interface Port
CIR       Committed Information Rate
CIRC      Circular Reference +
          Cross-Interleaved Reed-Solomon Code
CIS       Card Information Structure + Client Information System +
          CompuServe Information Service +
          Computer Information Systems + Contact Image Sensor +
          Customer Information System
CISC      Complex Instruction Set Computing
CIT       Computer-Integrated Telephony
CIX       Commercial Internet Exchange +
          Compulink Information Exchange
CJLI      Command Job Language Interpreter
CKD       Count Key Data (device)
CLAR      Channel Local Address Register
CLASS     Client Access to Systems and Services +
          Cooperative Library Agency for Systems and Services +
          Custom Local-Area Signaling Services
CLC       Clear Carry Flag
CLD       Clear Direction Flag
CLI       Call-Level Interface + Clear Interrupt Flag +
          Command Line Interface
CLIST     Command List
CLK       Clock
CLNP      Connectionless Network Protocol
CLOS      Common Lisp Object System
CLP       Cell Loss Priority + Constraint Logic Programming
.CLP      Clipboard (file name extension) [Windows]
CLS       Clear Screen
CLTP      Connectionless Transport Protocol
CLTS      Clear Task Switch Flag
CLUI      Command Line User Interface
CLUT      Color Look-Up Table
CLV       Constant Linear Velocity
CM        Centimeter + Control Mark + Corrective Maintenance
CMA       Concert Multi-thread Architecture
CMC       Common Mail Calls + Common Messaging Calls +
          Communication Mangement Configuration +
          Complement Carry Flag +
          Computer-Mediated Communication [Internet]
.CMD      Command (file name extension)
CMF       Creative Music Format
CNIDR     Clearinghouse for Network Information and
          Discovery and Retrieval [Internet]
CMIP      Common Management Information Protocol
CMIS      Common Management Information Services/System
CML       Conceptual Modelling Language +
          Computer Managed Learning + Current Mode Logic
CMM       Capability Maturity Model
CMMS      Computerized Maintenance Management Software
CMMU      Cache/Memory Management Unit [Motorola]
CMOS      Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
CMOV      Conditional Move
CMP       Compare + Computer
CMPS      Compare word String
CMS       Code Management System + Compiler Monitor System +
          Conversation Monitor System
CMVC      Configuration Management Version Control [IBM]
CMW       Compartmented Mode Workstation
CMY       Cyan-Magenta-Yellow (color model)
CMYK      Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black (color model)
CNA       Certified NetWare Administrator [Novell]
CNAPS     Co-Processing Node Architecture for Parallel Systems
CNC       Computerized Numerical Control
CNE       Certified NetWare Engineer
.CNF      Configuration (file name extension)
CNG       Calling (tone)
CNI       Certified Novell Instructor [Novell]
CNIDR     Clearinghouse for Networked Information and Retrieval
CNN       Composite Network Node
CNSS      Core Nodal Switching Subsystem [Internet]
.CNT      Contents (file name extension)
CNV       Conventional (pertaining to Memory)
CNVT      Convert
CNX       Certified Network Expert
CO        Central Office + Command Output + Convert Out
COB       Chip-On-Board
.COB      COBOL source code (file name extension)
COBOL     Common Business-oriented Language (See HLL)
.COD      Code List (file name extension)
CODASYL * Conference on Data System Languages (Group that
          designed COBOL)
CODE      Client-Server Open Development Environment
CODEC     Coder/Decoder + Compression/Decompression
COEM      Commercial Original Equipment Manufacturer
COFF      Common Object File Format [Unix]
COGO      Coordinate Geometry (Programming Language)
COL       Collision + Computer Oriented Language
COLD      Computer Output to Laser Disk
COLL      Collision
COM       Commercial (organization Domain name) [Internet] +
          Common Object Model [Microsoft]
.COM      Command (file name extension)
COM1      First serial Port (asynchronous port)
COM2      Second serial Port
COM3      Third serial Port
COM4      Fourth serial Port
COMDEX    Computer Dealers Exposition
COMET     Cornell Macintosh Terminal Emulator
COMP      Compare + Communications
COMP.     Computers [USENET Newsgroup Category]
COMSAT    Communications Satellite Corporation
CON       Console (includes Keyboard and Screen)
COND      Condition
CONFIG    Configuration
CONS      Connection-Oriented Network Service
CONTONE   Continuous Tone
CORBA     Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CoREN     Corporation for Research and Enterprise Network
COS       Compatible Operating System
COSE      Combined Office Standard Environment +
          Common Open Software/Systems Environment
COSMIC    Computer Software Management and Information
          Center [NASA]
COSMOS    Computer System for Mainframe Operations
COSS      Common Object Services Specification
COTS      Commercial Off-The-Shelf
CP        Copy Protected
CPA       Certified Public Accountant
CPC       Constant Point Calculation
CPCS      Check Processing Control System [IBM]
CPE       Central Processing Element +
          Customer Premise Equipment +
          Customer Provided Equipment
.CPE      Cover Page (file name extension)
CPG       Clock Pulse Generator
CPI       Characters Per Inch + Clock Per Instruction +
          Common Programming Interface [IBM]
.CPI      Code Page Information (file name extension) [MS-DOS]
CPI-C     Common Programming Interface for Communications [IBM]
CPIO      Copy In and Out [Unix]
CPL       Current Privilege Level
.CPL      Control Panel (file name extension)
CP/M      Control Program for Microcomputers [Digital Research]
CPS       Characters Per Second + Cycles Per Second
CPT       Command Pass Through
CPU       Central Processing Unit
CR        Carriage Return
CRAM      Cyberspatial Reality Advancement Movement
CRC       Cyclic Redundancy Check
.CRD      Cardfile (file name extension)
CREN      Computer Research Education Network +
          Corporation for Research and Education Networking
CRF       Cable Retransmission Facility + Cross Reference File
CRI       Color Reproduction Indices
CR/LF     Carriage Return/Line Feed
CROM      Control Read Only Memory
CRT       Cathode Ray Tube
CRTC      CRT Controller
CS        Chip Select + Clear to Send + Code Segment
C/S       Client/Server
CSA       Calendaring and Scheduling API [IBM]
CSAR      Channel System Address Register
CSCW      Computer Supported Cooperative Work
CSD       Circuit-Switched Data +
          Computer Services Department +
          Corrective Service Diskette [IBM]
CSDS      Packet Switched Data Service
CSE       Certified System Engineer
CSFI      Communication Subsystem For Interconnection
CSG       Constructive Solid Geometry +
          Consulting Services Group [Lotus]
CSI       Command Sequence Introducer + CompuServe Incorporated
CSID      Call Subscriber ID
CSL       Computer Sensitive Language
CSLIP     Compressed Serial Line Interface Protocol [Internet]
CSM       Communications Services Manager
CSMA/CA   Carrier Sense Multiple Access/with Collision Avoidance
CSMA/CD   Carrier Sense Multiple Access/with Collision Detection
CSMS      Customer Support Management System
CSN       Card-Select Number
CSNET     Computer Science Network
CSO       Central Services Organization
CSP       Certified Systems Professional +
          Commercial Subroutine Package +
          CompuCom Speed Protocol [CompuCom]
CSPDN     Circuit Switched Public Data Network
CSS     * Continuous System Simulator (Language)
CSS       Cascading Style Sheets [Microsoft] +
          Contact Start-Stop
CSSM      Client-Server Systems Management [IBM]
CSTA      Computer-Supported Telephony Applications
CSU       Channel Service Unit
CSV       Circuit-Switched Voice +
          Comma-Separated Value/Variable +
          Common Services Verbs (interface) [Microsoft]
C&T       Chips and Technologies
CTB       Cipher Type Byte
CTC       Channel To Channel
CTCP      Client-To-Client Protocol
CTI       Computer-Telephony Integration
CTOS      Computerized Tomography Operating System +
          Convergent Technologies Operating System
CTPA      Coax-to-Twisted-Pair Adapter
CTRL      Control
CTS       Clear To Send
CTSS    * Compatible Time Sharing System
CUA       Common User Access [IBM]
CUB       Cursor Backward
CUD       Cursor Down
CUE       Custom Updates and Extras (card) [Egghead Software]
CUF       Cursor Forward
CUI       Character-Oriented User Interface +
          Common User Interface [IBM]
CUP       Cursor Position
CUPID     Completely Universal Processor I/O Design [AST]
.CUR      Cursor (file name extension)
CUT       Control Unit Terminal
CUTE      Clarkston University Terminal Emulator
CUU       Cursor Up
CVF       Compressed Volume File
CVGA      Color Video Graphics Array
CVIA      Computer Virus Industry Association
CVT       Convert
CVW       CodeView for Windows
CWD       Convert Word to Double Word +
          Change Working Directory [Internet]
CWIS      Campus Wide Information Service/System [Internet] +
          Community Wide Information Service/System [Internet]
C2X       Character To Hexadecimal [REXX]
CYL       Cylinder
CYMK      Cyan-Yellow-Magenta-Black (color model)

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