Abbreviations "P" ( All the "P" Character ).

Short Name  ��  Full Name or Abbreviations
PAB       Personal Address Book
PABX      Private Automatic Branch Exchange
PACE      Priority Access Control Enabled [3Com]
PACS      Picture Archiving and Communication System
PACS-L    Public Access Computer Systems List [Internet]
PAD       Packet Assembler/Disassembler
PADS      Pen Application Development System [Slate Corporation]
PAIH      Public-Access Internet Host [Internet]
PAIS      Public-Access Internet Site [Internet]
.PAK      Packed (compressed file name extension) [NoGate
PAL       Paradox Applications Language [Borland] +
          Phase Alternating Line + Programmed Array Logic +
          Programming Assembly Language
.PAL      Palette (file name extension)
PALC      Plasma-Addressed Liquid Crystal (display)
PALS      Principles of the Alphabet Literacy System
PAM       Pulse Amplitude Modulation
PAP       Packet-level Procedure +
          Password Authentication Protocol +
          Printer Access Protocol
PAR       Personal Animation Recorder + Parallel
PARA      Paragraph
PARC      Palo Alto Research Center [XEROX]
.PAS      PASCAL source code (file name extension)
PASCAL    (Programming Language named for Blaise Pascal)
.PAT      Patch + Pattern (file name extensions)
PAX       Portable Archive Exchange [Unix]
PBE       Prompt By Example
PBGA      Plastic Ball Grid Array
PBX       Private Branch Exchange
PC        Personal Computer + Printed Circuit + Program Counter
PCACIAS   Personal Computer Automated Calibration Interval
          Analysis System
PCB       Printed Circuit Board + Program Control Block
PCBC      Plain Cipher Block Chaining
PCD       Photo Compact Disk
PC-DOS    Personal Computer - Disk Operating System [IBM]
PCEB      PCI to EISA Bridge [Intel]
PCI       Peripheral Component Interconnect/Interface
PC-I/O    Program Controlled I/O
PCL       Printer Command Language [HP] + Process Control Language
PCM       Personal Computer Manufacturer + Pulse Code Modulation
PCMC      PCI, Cache, Memory Controller [Intel]
PCMCIA    Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PCMIM     Personal Computer Media Interface Module
PCN       Personal Computer Network
PCNFS     Personal Computer Network File System
PCO       Point of Control and Observation
PCS       Patchable Control Store +
          Personal Communication Services/System +
          Personal Conferencing Specification +
          Planning Control Sheet + Print Contrast Signal +
          Process Control Systems + Program Counter Store +
          Programmable Drive Table + Project Control System
PCT       Private Communications Technology
.PCT      Picture (file name extension)
.PCX      Picture Image (file name extension)
PD        Public Domain
PDA       Personal Digital Assistant
PDD       Physical Device Driver
PDF       Package Definition File + Portable Document Format +
          Portable Document File + Processor Defined Function +
          Program Development Facility
.PDF      Printer Description (file name extension)[Borland,Lotus]
PDIAL     Public Dialup Internet Access List [Internet]
PDL       Page Description Language + Program Description Language
          + Program Design Language
PDM       Product Data Management
PDN       Public Data Network
PDO       Portable Distributed Objects [Next]
PDP       Plasma Display Panel + Programmable Data Processor +
          (DEC Computer System Designation, i.e. PDP-8, PDP-11)
PDS       Packet Driver Specification + Partitioned Data Set +
          Planetary Data System + Portable Document Software +
          Processor Direct Slot [Macintosh]
PDSS      Post Development and Software Support
PDT       Performance Diagnostic Tool [IBM] +
          Programmable Drive Table
PDU       Plug Distribution Unit
.PDX      Paradox files (file name extension) [Borland] +
          Printer Description Extension (file name extension)
PE        Parity Even + Processing Element + Protect Enable
PEA       Pocket Ethernet Adapter
PEL       Picture Element [IBM]
PEM       Privacy-Enhanced Mail [Internet]
PEN SDK   Pen Computing Software Development Kit
PEP       Packetized Ensemble Protocol [Telebit]
PERL      Practical Extraction and Report Language [Unix]
PERT      Program Evaluation and Review Technique
PES       Positioning Error Signal + Processor Enhancement Socket
          Processor Upgrade Socket
PET       Print Enhancement Technology [Compaq]
.PFB      Printer Font Binary (file name extension)
PFE       Programmer's File Editor
.PFM      Printer Font Metrics (file name extension) [Windows]
PFR       Power-Fail Restart
PGA       Pin Grid Array + Professional Graphics Adapter [IBM]
PGC       Program Group Control [Microsoft]
PGDN      Page Down
.PGL      Graphics (file name extension) [Hewlett-Packard]
PGM       Program
PGP       Pretty Good Privacy (name of encryption program)
.PGP      ProGram Parameter (file name extension) [AutoCAD]
PGUP      Page Up
PHIGS     Programmers' Hierarchial Interactive Graphics
.PHO      Phone List (file name extension)
PHS       Personal Handyphone System
PI        Program Interruption
PIA       Peripheral Interface Adapter
PIC       Personal Intelligent Communicator +
          Priority Interrupt Controller +
          Program Interrupt Controller
PICS      Platform for Internet Content Selection
PICT      Picture
PID       Process Identification Number +
          Proportional, Integral, Derivative
PIER      Procedures for Internet/Enterprise Renumbering
PIF       Picture Interchange Format File +
          Program Information File
PII       Program Integrated Information
PILOT     Programmed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching
PilotACE* Pilot Automatic Computing Engine
PIM       Personal Information Manager
PIN       Personal Identification Number +
          Process Identification Number [Unix]
PINE      Pine Is Not Elm [Unix]
PING      Packet Internet Groper
PIO       Parallel Input/Output + Processor Input/Output +
          Programmed Input/Output
PIP       Picture In Picture + Problem Isolation Procedure +
          Programmable Interconnect Point
PIPO      Parallel In, Parallel Out
PIT       Programmable Interval Timer
PIXEL     Picture Element
PL        Plus
PLA       Programmable Logic-Array
PLATO     Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations
PLC       Programmable Logic Controller
PLCC      Plastic Leadless Chip Carrier
PLD       Programmable Logic Device
PLDS      Pilot Land Data System [NASA]
PLL       Phase Locked Loop
.PLL      Prelinked Library (file name extension) [Clipper]
PL/M      Programming Language for Micros
PLS       Primary Link Station
PLV       Production Level Video
PL/1    * Programming Language One
PM        Presentation Manager [IBM] +
          Preventative Maintenance + Process Manager
PMMU      Paged Memory Management Unit
PMOS      Positive Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor
PMR       Problem Management Report [IBM]
PMS       Policy Management System
PN        Processing Node
PNA       Programmable Network Access
PNG       Portable Network Graphics
PNP       Plug And Play
PO        Parity Odd
POC       Point Of Contact
POE       Power Open Environment
POH       Power-On Hours
POL       Problem Oriented Language
POP       Point Of Presence [MCI] + Pop from Stack +
          Post Office Protocol
POPA      Pop All Registers
POPF      Pop Flags
POR       Power-On-Reset
POS       Point Of Sale + Positive + Programmable Object Select
POSIX     Portable Operating System Interface for Unix
POST      Power-On Self Test
POSTNET   Postal Numeric Encoding Technique
POTS      Plain Old Telephone Service
POWER     Performance Optimization with Enhanced RISC [IBM]
PowerPC   Performance Optimization with Enhanced RISC-Performance
.PPD      PostScript Printer Description (file name extension)
PPDS      Personal Printer Data Stream [IBM]
PPGA      Plastic Pin Grid Array
PPM       Pages Per Minute
PPP       Point-to-Point Protocol [Internet]
PPS       Packets Per Second + Power Personal Systems [IBM]
PPTP      Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PQFP      Plastic Quad Flat Pack
PRACSA    Public Remote Access Computer Standards Association
PRAM      Parallel Random-Access Machine +
          Parameter Random Access Memory
.PRD      Printer Driver (file name extension) [Word]
PRE       Preformatted [HTML]
PReP      Power PC Reference Platform [IBM/Motorola]
PRF       Pulse Repetition Frequency
.PRF      Preferences (file name extension) [Grammatik IV]
.PRG      Program (file name extension)
PRINTF    Print with Formatting [C Programming Language]
PRISM     Photo-Refractive Information Storage Material
.PRJ      Project (file name extension) [Borland]
PRMD      Private Mangement Domain [X.400]
PRML      Partial-Response Maximum-Likelihood
.PRO      Profile (file name extension)
PROC      Procedure
PROFS     Professional Office System [IBM]
PROG      Program + Programmer
PROLOG    Programming In Logic (Programming Language)(See HLL)
PROM      Programmable Read Only Memory
PRN       Printer
.PRS      Printer (file name extension) [WordPerfect]
PRTSC     Print Screen
PS        Proportional Spacing
.PS       PostScript (file name extension)
PS/2      Programming System 2 [IBM]
PSC       Personal Super Computer + Print Server Command +
          Product Service Center
PSDN      Packet-Switched Data Network
PSDS      Packet-Switched Data Service
PSERVER   Print Server [NetWare]
PSF       Permanent Swap File
PSID      PostScript Image Data
PSM       Printing Systems Manager
PSN       Packet Switching Network
PSP       Personal Software Products (group) [IBM] +
          Program Segment Prefix
PSPDN     Packet-Switched Public Data Network
P-SRAM    Pseudo-Static Random Access Memory
PSRT      PostScript Round Table [GEnie]
PSTN      Public Switched Telephone Network
PSU       Power Supply Unit
PSW       Program Status Word
.ps.Z     Compressed PostScript (file name extension) [Unix]
PT        Page Table
P/T       Part Time
PTD       Parallel Transfer Disk Drive
PTF       Problem Temporary/Trouble Fix [IBM]
PUB       Public (directory) [Internet] + Publish
.PUB      Publication (file name extension) [Ventura]
PUN       Physical Unit Number
PUP       PARC Universal Packet (protocol)
PUS       Processor Upgrade Socket
PUSHA     Push All Registers
PUSHF     Push Flags
PVC       Permanent Virtual Circuit + Polyvinyl Chloride
PVM       Parallel Virtual Machine +
          Pass-through Virtual Machine (protocol) [IBM]
PVP       Parallel Vector Processing
PVS       Parallel Visualization Server
PW        Password
PWB       Printed Wire Board +
          Programmer's Workbench [Microsoft]
PWD       Print Working Directory [Unix]
PWR       Power
PWSCS     Programmable Workstation Communication Services [IBM]
.PX       Primary Index (file name extension) [Paradox]

Next Abbreviations "Q,R" 

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